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Pierrick Bousseu is awarded Dubrovin medal in Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics

A member of the RTG group Pierrick Bousseau was awarded Dubrovin medal 2024 for the originality, complexity, and relevance of his remarkable contributions in enumerative algebraic geometry and mirror symmetry, and their profound implications for mathematical physics. These include connections between refined tropical curve counts and higher genus log Gromov-Witten counts of toric surfaces; a proof of the Takahashi conjecture via a new sheaf/curve correspondence; substantial contributions to holomorphic Floer theory and its relation to Donaldson-Thomas theory; the extension of the log-local principle in Gromov-Witten theory to all genera and to Looijenga pairs; and a remarkable advance in the solution of the Gromov-Witten theory of smooth complete intersections. 


Dubrovin medal

The Dubrovin medal is awarded every two years by SISSA, the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.


